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Bringing women together through fitness to battle as one and raise funds for those battling breast cancer. 

The battle is real. This year alone, an estimated 297,790 women in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer—women who are our mothers, grandmothers and daughters. This is a battle for their lives, a battle for the women we love, a battle we will never quit until there is a cure. And the key to winning this battle lies in the strength of those who support these strong, courageous women. For those who have passed on, for those who fight today and for those who may find themselves fighting for their lives in the future, we honor you at Battle of the Breasts, an event that raises awareness, honors breast cancer warriors and raises funds for breast cancer fighters in our community—funds which help alleviate the financial strain a cancer diagnosis puts on individuals and families.

Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

Register & Help Make Change

Help Local Women Fighting 

No One Fights Alone!

The Battle of the Breasts event is for all levels of fitness.  Whether you are just a beginner or a seasoned veteran, the goal is the same - to raise awareness and financially help those around us who are currently in the battle against breast cancer.  Come join us - donate, fundraise and battle with the best.!  


Breast cancer affects us all, including our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters. It's time to fight back and support the brave women battling this disease.

Join Us in the Battle Against Breast Cancer

Preparing for Workout
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Itty Bitty Division

This divisions is for athletes new to competing in functional fitness competitions. Recommended for first time and no more than two years of competition, Movements to expect in this division are: 


Kettle Bell Swings - Rowing -  Assault Bike - Jumping Pull Ups - Hanging Knee Raises - light barbell - Wall Balls,  Box Step Ups, Knee Push Ups, Air Squats, Jump Ropes,  Dumbbell Movements, etc. 


Competition workouts will be released July 15th.  

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This divisions is for athletes that have been competing in competitions at an intermediate level. If you do the CrossFit Open and can RX movements such as:


Snatches - Clean and Jerks - Assault Bike - Pull Ups - HSPU with a 3" Mat - Toes to Bar - moderate barbells - Wall Balls,  Box Jumps, Push Ups, Air Squats, Double Under,  and other Dumbbell Movements, etc. 


Competition workouts will be released July 15th.  

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This divisions is for elite athletes that compete regulary at a high level in the sport of CrossFit.  Movements and Skills you will see are:


Squat Snatches, Cleans, Jerks, Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups, Ring and Bar Muscle Ups, Handstand Push Ups, Handstand Walks, Rope Climbs and Double Unders. Expect to see heavier barbells and odd objects. 


Competition workouts will be released July 15th.  

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Join the Battle

Empower Women Fighting Cancer

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